Here are some answers to your frequently asked questions:

How can I get Reddy Teddy?

Please contact us! Whether you are a Parent, NeuroImaging Lab, or Hospital we’ll work with you to get Ready Teddy to you in order to make MRIs Easier for Kids.

What kind of hardware do we need? What is the setup?

Ready Teddy comes loaded on Enterprise-grade hardware to ensure ease of operation. We use the Pico G2 with a 4k display to maximize mobility and avoid the need for cumbersome computer towers, monitors, or other large tech.

What age ranges does Ready Teddy work for?

We primarily designed Ready Teddy for children aged 6-10 years old; however, our system can still be useful for older ages, even adults! We focused on this age range because it is the zone in which many kids get sedated – with or without attempts to prepare them prior to ordering anesthesia.

How easy is Ready Teddy to implement in my workflow?

Very! We pride ourselves in good design. That’s why we have created something as easy to use and implement as it is child friendly. First, a provider places a VR headset on the child and, second, Ready Teddy instantly starts. We have built our experience so anyone and any institution can get started straight out of the box.

Does the child lay down while using Ready Teddy?

Ready Teddy was built to be experienced sitting up in a chair. We made this design choice to minimize the amount of space the Ready Teddy requires. One of the problems with traditional methods, like mock scanners, is their space requirement. We are redesigning the status quo so any radiology suite can benefit from MRI preparation.

Where is it administered? Can I have my patients or my child use it at home?

Ready Teddy is mobile so it can be administered in a lobby, waiting room, or even at home.

Can it be used inside the MRI?

No, an MRI has a strong magnetic field and any ferromagnetic material (including a VR headset) can not be placed anywhere near the scanner. We clearly mark the hardware “Not MRI Compatible” so no one takes the headset into the scanner room. Ready Teddy is to be used BEFORE an MRI as a preparatory tool and should never go inside the scanner room.

Are other languages available?

Ready Teddy is currently available in English. We have every intent on delivering this experience in Spanish, Mandarin, Arabic, Russian, Vietnamese and more in the near future. We want Ready Teddy to reflect the diversity of patient populations and would love to work with you to translate Ready Teddy so it is accessible to all of your patients and/or subjects. Contact us, we would love to deliver Ready Teddy to as many people possible. 

Can Ready Teddy be customized?

Absolutely. Would you like the environment to resemble your imaging suite? No problem. Would you like to change the accent or language of the voice over? Let’s do it. We will work with you to deliver the best possible experience for your patients.

Can I use my own headset?

At this time, we recommend that Ready Teddy provide both the software and hardware. We enable the software to instantly start once the hardware is placed on the head making Ready Teddy maximally easy to implement. We know from user testing that asking children to select a program in a VR headset without the ability to monitor them can be quite challenging – this fix avoids this scenario.

Our customer service is available in the case of any trouble – our remote device monitoring software means we can quickly log in and diagnose any problems. 

Is Ready Teddy designed to be used multiple times?

While it is designed to be used once, it certainly can be administered multiple times. The time required to get used to the sights and sounds of an MRI depends on the individual. The duration of Ready Teddy is 9 minutes long, split evenly between a narrative explanation of the procedure and the biofeedback mini-games that train the child to stay still within the threshold of a quality scan. Use the simulation as many times as you feel necessary. 

How can I access Free resources to prepare my child for an MRI?

Check out our ‘For Parents’ page. There are links to several Youtube videos, Mobile Applications, and audio recordings to better prepare you and your family for the MRI.

Is Ready Teddy HIPAA compliant?

Ready Teddy is not a medical device and does not collect any data that would be considered protected health information or that could be personally identifiable.

Do you have IRB information to implement into my study?

Yes! We have worked across institutions and IRBs in order to implement Ready Teddy into your study. Our team has a strong background in academia and we are always looking for partnerships for publication. Contact us, we would love to integrate into your study. 

Interested in a demo of Ready Teddy, or have a question for our team?

Please reach out: